To the outside world a normal Role Playing Game session looks like a bunch of people sitting around a table littered with books, snacks, soda, graph paper, and quite possibly a viking helmet. While this is true for most part there is a lot more going on then just carbonated beverages and bad Elizabethan accents. Role Playing Games encompass the art of story telling and acting while using a defined set of rules like those found in a board game.
In a normal session one person will take the role of the Game Master. This person can be identified by the large cardboard screen he hides his face behind. The Game Master is the person that runs the game and directs the players. Think of the Game Master as the director of a movie and the other players as the actors. It is the Game Masters job to create and tell a story that involves characters created by the players of the game. Everyone who is not the Game Master makes a character using the rules set forth by the game they are playing. There is an overwhelming amount of role playing games available, allowing players to be anything from superheroes to demon possessed mutant petunias. Once the Game Master has the story ready and the players have created their characters ( be they flora, fauna, or something all together different ) the game is ready to begin. A normal game progresses by the Game Master telling players the situations that their characters are in and the players describing how their characters react. Role Playing Games include rules for conflict resolution and just about anything that includes some element of luck. These rules often include rolling really odd shaped dice to represent the randomness of life. From a player's point of view that really is all there is to it, make your character the way you want within the confines of the rules the Game Master tells you, decide what you want your character to do based on the story the Game Master is telling, and roll some dice when the Game Master says so. This is one of the best parts about role playing, if you have never done it before it is easy as a player, just pretend you are your character and do what the Game Master says when it comes to the rules of the game. To be a good Role Player you do not have to read through the rules and know every little nuance of the game system just show up with an open mind and a good imagination. If you have never tried a role playing game before I really would encourage you to go find a local hobby shop and ask around about giving a game a shot. Most of these stores have people who are very friendly and are always willing to show someone new to the hobby the ropes. In case I did a really lousy job of describing what a role playing game is I have included an excerpt from one of our Deathwatch games below as an example of the flow of a game. Please note I have left out all references to the mechanics of the game because I want to give you an idea of the flow of the story and not the rule system itself.
Game Master(GM): As you slowly approach the bunker you can see that it has been heavily damaged. There are scorch marks from laser fire and numerous holes in the masonry most likely caused by explosives.
Player A: Is there anyone around at all?
GM: You do not see signs of any living being, however the remains of what looks like a small detachment of Imperial Gaurdsmen are scattered around the ground.
Player B: I want to check it I can pick up any psyonic activity near by in case the sorcerer was here.
GM: You detect a large warp disturbance coming from within the bunker itself.
Player C: Well I guess we know where we are headed
Player D: I am going to prop my heavy bolter on the nearest rock and keep watch for anything that may approach, I don't have a good feeling about this place.
A: I am going to walk slowly up to the main entrance of the bunker, keeping my bolter up and ready the whole time.
GM: As you approach the door you notice that it has all but been blown from its hinges. Inside all the lighting has been destroyed or shut off, your helmet adjusts to low light setting allowing you to see inside with ease.
B: I am going to take up a position behind A, just in case there is something nasty in there.
GM: B you can feel the distortion in the warp grow as you close in on the door, something here is not right. A noise from the west of the bunker catches player Ds attention
D: I swing my bolter around ready to unleash hell on whatever it is.
GM: you hear a slight rustle from the woods to left and suddenly the night air is shattered by the sound of gunfire as a group of cultist charge forth from the woods.
D: "Incoming!" I scream as I let loose with my heavy bolter on full auto
C: I charge over to D to reinforce his position, dropping to a crouch with my bolter up and ready to fire.
GM: Round from the heavy bolter crash into the first line of cultists sending blood and gore flying through the air around their allies. The remaining cultists are not shaken and continue their advance while returning fire.
B: " keep them busy guys" I yell as I begin to circle around away from the bunker in an effort to flank the bad guys.
A:I am going to duck into the bunker door way in order to get some cover from the incoming fire.
GM: as rounds bounce off the rocks around you an explosion at the back of the bunker grabs the attention of A, you glance back into the bunker and see two glowing eyes staring back at you from the end of the hallway....
I will leave it there, that should give a good overview of the way a normal role playing game goes. If you are interested in knowing more or just have comments in general please feel free to leave them.
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